Effective Private Practice Marketing is Easier Than You Think

So you took the leap. You started a private practice.

It’s pretty exciting, isn’t it?

You listened to those really clear signals from the Universe about what you needed to do. And you’re following a calling that has been nagging at you for a long, long time.

You might be a licensed clinician who went out on your own. After working forever in a large firm, hospital or agency, the thought of calling your own shots sounded like pure joy.

Perhaps you started a healing practice, because even friends and family turn to you for help. Though you fought it for a while, the truth is you LOVE this stuff… And you’re know it’s your gift.

Whatever it is, doing what you love,
and loving what you do,
is a cool way to earn a living, right?

Well yes, of course it is.

But your most important title, actually, isn’t that of an energy healer.
Or a yoga teacher. Or a psychotherapist. Or a life coach.

Your most important title is Marketer.

I know! Ick! Right?


You believe in your work. You know that you make a huge difference for the people you serve. You teach. Coach. Guide. Help. Heal. Inspire.

You make the world a happier place.

Unless – ahem – no one knows what you do.

Or why you do it.
Or how good you are at it.
Or how much they need what you have to offer.
Or what a difference you could make for them.

Or how to find you – and hire you –
even if they DID know all those other things.

 That’s what good marketing does.

Marketing shares critical information with your ideal clients in such a way that they know where you are, how you can help, and completely ‘get’ why you’re the best one for them.

So remember this.

No matter what you’re doing, where you’re going,
or who you’re with, you are, first, and at all times, a marketer.

Every conversation you have is a marketing conversation – from the check out clerk at the grocery store to your lunch-and-learn at your professional association to catching up over coffee with a friend.

Every. Conversation.

But I’m not talking about some sleazy sales push. EFFECTIVE private practice marketing is easier than you think.

All you have to do is weave in these three things about your business, any time you can.

The Who.
The Why.
And the What.

1. WHO do you do your very best work with?

Your first step in finding the marketing message that works is figuring out exactly who you want to work with.

You could help a lot of people. You may even feel like almost anyone could benefit from what you do. But you and I both know there are some that are much better fit than others.

That may be a matter of personality (who you ‘click’ with), but it could be more than that too.  

For example, I have long held a passion for empowering women in everything I do. So, it’s no surprise that I love coaching women entrepreneurs.

But I’ve also worked with men, and enjoyed that every bit as much.

The reality is I love working with anyone who’s ready to do the work it takes to get where they want to go – no matter who they are.

Who do you love working with? If you need help figuring that out, start here.

2. WHY would they hire you instead of someone else?

There are likely many answers to this question.

It could be because you have special expertise, training or experience in your field.

It could be because you offer additional services or top-notch customer care that is above and beyond what your peers provide.

It could be because you have the passion and talent to deliver your service in a way that is deeply personal and exquisitely tailored to their individual needs.

For example, my extensive experience as a therapist means I have an unusually layered understanding of the psychology of most entrepreneurs.

That, in turn, gives me a unique ability to get to the internal roadblocks that trip them up, even when they have the right strategies in place.

What sets you apart from your peers? Get a handle on that, and find ways to add it to your conversations.

(Quick coaching tip! Please don’t let it be because you’re cheap. Competing on price is not the way you want to go. Trust me on this.)

3. WHAT really happens when people work with you?

What kinds of results do they get? Your clients will want to know this more than anything else. What can you do for them? And how can you help – really?

This is a powerful question, and a tricky one.

It can be tempting to make promises that you may not be able to deliver.  So be careful about that.

You may be an outstanding therapist with awesome clinical skills up your sleeve, but what your clients do with the help you offer is still up to them.

You might be an top of the line nutrition coach, but what your clients do with the help you offer is still up to them.

AND YET – those who are a good fit for you, who are serious about the work, and who follow your lead, make tremendous gains – don’t they? Of course they do.

So talk about that!

Weave these three things into every conversation you have, and I think you’ll be surprised at the results you get.

There are people out there who want and need exactly what you have to offer – and they’re willing to pay for it.

So help ’em out.

Your friend says, “So how’s it going with your practice so far?

And you say…

It’s great! I’m loving the work I get to do with [my ideal client]. I’m finding that [the cool superpower I have] is making such a difference for them that even I’m surprised sometimes. They’re [getting these amazing results] and it’s powerful. I love it.

Do a little marketing, and make it easier for folks to understand what you really do – so they can send people your way, or work with you themselves.

They’ll be glad they did. And so will you!


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