What Do You Want to Make this Year?

Hey there!

How are things in your neck of the woods?

Here in East Tennessee, it still felt like Christmas, because we got TWO decent snows in one week! In our world, that's a real treat!

Now that 2022 is well underway, it’s time to get serious about what you want to do this year. And in particular, I mean, about what you want to MAKE this year.

And yes, I’m talking income.

So below, you’ll find one training, one quote, one idea, and one thing you might want to try, that will help you sort that out. Because clarity is key and your intentions are powerful. So let's do this....

Here is your 11:11 for today.


I love the kind of trip where you pick out a place to go, but then totally wing it on how you actually get there. That kind of open-spirit exploration opens the door to new discoveries, adventures and downright fun.

BUT I don’t want you to treat your income that way!

When it comes to reaching your revenue goals, I would much rather see you get specific and clear about where you’re headed AND how you’ll get there. Today’s video will show you how.

(Click HERE to get the free tool I’ve created to help you with this.)


When I started counting my blessings,
my whole life turned around.
—Willie Nelson


As healers, we are practically programmed to work against our own best interests. Do you realize that?

Somehow, the simple concept of being paid well for advanced skilled services is an idea that is respected - and expected - for professionals in almost any other industry.

But not for healers.

If you’re a clinical social worker, marriage and family therapist, Reiki practitioner, yoga teacher, hypnotherapist, or midwife, you aren’t supposed to care about ‘things like that’.

Why is that? Where in the world does that idea come from?
And what can we do to change it?

I have lots of ideas about that, ideas that I plan to explore, with you, in the coming months.

But for now, just let me ask you something.

What would your practice look like if you expected to be paid well just as any attorney, CPA, airline pilot or physician out there?

How would that change the way you feel about the work you do?

And how would it impact the difference you want to make in the world?


Go ahead and try it.
Just this once.

Give yourself permission to dream a little bigger.
Aim a little higher. Ask for - and expect - expansion.

When you set your intention for an income goal for 2022, I challenge you to take whatever number you have in mind, and bump it up a bit.

We’re not talking about a target that’s so big it seems silly or makes you want to throw up. But we ARE talking about a number that is totally within the realm of possibility for you - even though it feels kinda crazy.

Good crazy. :)

Then, following the steps I laid out for you in this week’s video, figure out exactly how you could actually reach that number - as long as you do the work.

And begin.

Attitude: ABUNDANT!©


Do you bounce back and forth between excitement about the healing you provide through your work, and worry about the income you might (gulp!) not make as a practice owner?

And does that happen EVEN if you've got a full calendar of loyal paying clients?

If so, that might not indicate a problem with your business savvy; it might be more about your money mindset, and the sneaky ways this impacts your business in a not-so-good way.

Starting on January 13, you’ll have access to a series of totally free, LIVE trainings designed to help you spot the oh-so-subtle ways that money mindset in general - and the wrong kind of focus in particular - could actually be limiting your income and hurting your business.

And just in case you think this is a bunch of silly, woo-woo stuff that has nothing to do with ‘real’ business, let me caution you.

Unless you are unusually self-aware (and let’s face it, most of us are anything but), your relationship with money will impact the day to day management of your business in very specific ways, from payment, to packaging, to promotion.

But there's good news!

By the end of this series, you'll know exactly what it takes to develop a healthy money mindset so you can stop getting in your own way, and step confidently into a more profitable - and enjoyable!! - practice.

That’s what we’ll be talking about during Attitude: ABUNDANT!

Part 1: Thursday, January 13, 12:15 eastern
Part 2: Tuesday, January 18, 12:15 eastern
Part 3: Thursday, January 20, 12:15 eastern

Click HERE to register.

Join me for this free series on how to cultivate an attitude of abundance, attract more income - and avoid expensive mistakes - in your Ideal Practice.

You'll be so glad you did.


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