Money (Too) Is a Therapeutic Issue

Hey there. 

Here, each week, you’ll find one video, one quote, one idea, and one thing you might want to try. My intention is to teach, to inspire, and to encourage you as you launch, build and grow your private practice or other healing business.

Here’s your 11:11 for today.


Ever find yourself having to handle things in private practice that NO ONE taught you in grad school? I sure do. One of the biggies for me was learning how to talk about payment with counseling clients. Ugh. That part I had to figure out on my own, the hard way. In this video, I’ll tell you what I wish someone had told me when I started my practice, so you won’t make the same mistakes I did!


…your earnings are a byproduct of how well you serve. When you go above and beyond to serve someone, you will be rewarded — sometimes in money, sometimes in exposure or referrals, and sometimes just with a thank you, but the universe has this amazing way of giving back to those who serve first. Let the money come from extraordinary service.

― Pat Flynn, Superfans, p. 146.


When I was in grad school, I learned all kinds of things about human development, family dynamics, and the many complexities of mental health treatment.

When I worked with a business coach (several, in fact), I learned all kinds of things about developing packages, designing a trademark talk, and the importance of a bookkeeper in your business.

But no one taught me how to talk about, manage, or handle the energy around money with my counseling clients. That part I had to figure out on my own, and today, this has become a key part of my message when I speak to social work audiences, and others.

What do you think? Can you see how the conversation you do, or don’t, have about money impacts the quality of your relationship with your clients?

Hit reply and let me know.


Practice being comfortable with your pricing this week, meaning - don’t apologize, don’t explain, and don’t avoid. Just do good work, and get paid well.

Sending lots of love,

P.S. Head over to the Ideal Practice Community when you are ready to put these new skills in practice— I’d love to see you there. 


"I'm so grateful for the energy that you ladies, along with Wendy, give. Ideal Practice Cafe was awesome today! So much good discussion around money, but the energy was relaxed...I love it here!"

— Shaunda Nicole Jones
Life Coach, Healthy Boundaries for Moms


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