Courage is Contagious – and You Can Catch It, Too.

I always hated gym class. 

I read books at recess. Was once thrown off a fifth-graders’ volleyball team – as an adult

Yeah – I’ll tell you that story some time. 

Clearly physical prowess and athletics have never been among my strengths. 
(And you can mark that, my friends, as the Understatement of the Year.) 

And yet, I have discovered over the years that there are all kinds of things I CAN do. 

For instance, I can’t play golf, but I can ride a bike. 
I’m lousy at tennis, but my homemade spaghetti is to die for. 

And growing up in the shadows of the Great Smoky Mountains, I learned long ago that I may be slow, but I can walk up a mountain as well as anybody.  All that takes is a certain kind of stubbornness  – and THAT, I have in spades. :) 

It’s taken me a lifetime, though, to learn this. It’s taken years of experience to realize that my strengths still count, whether or not they fit the Cool Factor.

And I know that many of you are just like me. 

There are some things that you can’t (or don’t really want to) ever do. 
But there are plenty of other things that you’re downright great at, thank-you-very-much. 

Lots of things, really. 

Some of those strengths you, too, have started to recognize. And some, I’ll bet, are right in front of you, still undiscovered.

With the support of friends and coaches of my own, I’ve learned that Courage is Contagious.

And I want you to catch it.

I believe in you SO much that it’s almost a physical feeling. I want to pour that belief into you. I want you to see what I see when we talk, to know what I know about the strengths you carry, the abilities you have to do what you want to do.

I want to help you find out what you’re really made of.

Sometimes that means making healthy changes in relationships or other parts of your daily life.  Sometimes it’s about growing your business or reaching a life long dream. 

Sometimes it’s just about changing the way you think and feel about Who You Are.

Whatever it is, I know you can do it – and I am bound and determined to help you know that too.

One way I can do that is through my counseling practice, or through life coaching.

But that’s also a big part of what we’re all about during our Secret Adventures for Courageous Women.  It looks like all we’re doing is having some crazy simple fun, but there’s really quite a bit more to it than that.

What we’re really doing is growing. We’re testing our own (internal) limits, discovering things we never even knew we could do, much less enjoy. We’re building our confidence, and learning to – just a bit – start believing in our Selves.

See, here’s the thing.

Magic happens when you step outside what’s easy and comfy. And that’s why I’d love to work with you. 

When you just try something you never in a million years thought you would do, you discover something. 

You find out that your body still works, that yes-m’am-by-golly-you CAN paddle a canoe or paint a decent picture or zoom down a zip line.

And then, the magic kicks in.

Gradually, you start to notice other changes.

You find that you CAN grow your business, or ask for a raise, or go after that dream you’ve had for so long. 

And you discover Power.

Your own Personal Power.

Not power over, power to. 

Power to try something different and learn something new. 
Power to move your body and feel alive in your own skin. 
Power to speak up, take a risk; maybe even move towards the life you really want. 
Power to turn your Courage into in-your-bones Confidence. 

So be encouraged.

Because whatever it is that’s calling you, you can do it. 
And if not, you can do something close to it … or something even better that you haven’t thought of yet.  

And you can do it no matter who you are.
Any age. Any ability. Any one. 

Courage is contagious.

Where do you need some encouragement today?


Photo Credit – Brett Jordan on Flickr

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