How to Tell When It’s Your Time to Grow

Or the start of one.

Whatever this is that’s bugging you, this “thing” that just doesn’t feel right; it might just be that things are changing inside for you – in a good way.

It usually starts as an uncomfortable feeling, a sense that something is wrong, out of whack, not what it should be. Sometimes those feelings are a whisper, just below the surface. Sometimes they’re shouting in your face.

Either way, they get harder and harder to ignore when you are being challenged – more and more – to grow. 

And heck, personal growth can be exciting work.
It can be powerful. Energizing. Life-changing.

But it usually scares the heck out of you first.

I’ve had great conversations recently with two new clients, both of them amazing, Courageous women, though they would laugh if they heard me say that. I guarantee you they don’t see themselves that way.

Yet. :)

They came to me under completely different circumstances, seeking help in completely different ways. And yes, they were both scared to death.

One made the brave decision to enter deep psychotherapy with an eye towards reconnecting with the wise, loving, and strong Self she’s lost somehow along the way.

The other made an equally brave decision to work with me privately – but as her business coach; someone to help her reconnect with the creative, competent, amazing businesswoman that she barely sees inside, as well.

They both felt a lot better after one nice long talk, and I know that it’s just going to get better and better from here. I can’t tell you how much I love that. :)

I am passionate about helping women see what they are capable of, own their authority, and step in to their lives with clarity, power, and joy.

For much of my career, I’ve done that through counseling and psychotherapy, where we take a deep look at how they found their way to this moment in time. What blocks their joy? And what can we do to to get past – or remove – those blocks?

But these days, it happens just as often through my work as a small business coach, where we are all about Now. We focus on taking the pro-active steps they need today, to get where they dream of being tomorrow. There, too, we explore what’s getting in the way, then develop a strategy for breaking free.

So it’s all personal growth, powerful growth. It’s all good.

And it all requires great Courage.

So, are you ready for this?

Of course, “ready” may be the wrong word to use here, I know. Sometimes we are called to growth, challenged to evolve into a higher Self – even if we go kicking and screaming.

Nevertheless, if you’re miserable, or scared, or just feeling a little out of whack – that might be because it’s your time to shine.

So here are 5 ways to know that it’s your time to grow.

1. You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you’re ready to do whatever it takes to kick the misery to the curb. Enough already. Life is too short. It’s time to get better.

2. You’re restless, and acutely aware that time is passing at a surprising rate. And suddenly, you’re a little tired of putting up with people that you used to tolerate. And they can tell. :)

3. If you’re a business owner, you can’t get enough of Seth Godin, Brian Clark at Copyblogger, or any number of mega business gurus. You know you’ve got things to do, but you can’t stop watching webinars on landing pages and reading blogs about strange things like SEO, whatever THAT is.

4. You’ve actually had some good things happening lately. You’ve ended a bad relationship (finally!) or entered a great one (finally!). Ideal clients are showing up more often, and great opportunities are dropping in your lap. But instead of being happy, you’re scared. And honestly, the whole dang thing is just flat freaking you out a bit.

5. You are meant to show up in the world in a much bigger way, and you know it, though you have NO idea how to do that, or even what that means… But the thought won’t go away. And it is as exciting as it is terrifying.

 “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”  
– Anais Nin

Wherever it takes you – I encourage you, challenge you, to listen to that restless spirit that’s stirring inside.  I can tell you from my own experience, that you’ll feel better as soon as you do.

She’s calling to you. What does she have to teach you?

Allow yourself to find out. 

The answer will be worth it.

Photo Credit: -Ebelien- on Flickr





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