5 Limiting Beliefs Behind Your Pricing (and Why You Should Ignore Them)

 “I no longer have to be afraid of this…”

That’s what an experienced, competent psychotherapist said to me recently after completing a program I just offered, the Ideal Practice Masterclass©. She’d just faced her numbers for perhaps the first time in her entire business life – and it wasn’t anywhere near as scary as she thought it would be.

In the course, we did a lot of work on both the strategy of running a successful private practice, as well as the mindset required to create that success. Along the way, almost everyone found themselves bumping up against fear and self doubt, sooner or later.

No worries, I told them. That’s all part of the learning.

Any entrepreneur who experiences any level of growth and success is going to experience fear. It really does come with the territory, and is as natural as the sun rising in the morning sky.

And the bigger the growth the bigger the fear.

So I’m never surprised – nor do I judge – when I recognize fear lurking in the background as someone tells me why they’re not quite ready to take that awesome next step in their business for some perfectly understandable reason.

Fear often masquerades as reason.

And nowhere do I see this more than in the way so many of you handle pricing.

Here are five of the most common fears behind a reluctance to charge what you’re worth, the limiting belief behind each, and why they should be ignored.

1. Fear of failure.

The belief: “If I raise my prices, or take steps to ensure that I’m paid what I’m worth, I’ll lose all my clients, and my business will die.”

The reality: If you genuinely believe in yourself and the quality of your work, your clients will too. Period.

And over time, you’ll lose the tire kickers who only want the cheapest service they can find, and gain those who are willing to invest in what they really need.

2. Fear of judgment.

The belief: ‘Everyone will think I’m being greedy, and that all I care about is money.”

The reality: If a customer pushes back against your pricing, it may be because they’re one of those who only wants the cheapest. In other words, all they care about is the money. Fine. Encourage them to go elsewhere, with love.

And be grateful when they do.

But more often, that’s their own fear talking. Fear that they’re not worth it, that they don’t deserve this. Fear that their needs may be more than you can handle.

You’ll also see this among peers and colleagues who are watching what you do. They’ll tell you no one can charge what you’re charing and make it. No one can do what you’re doing. That’s their fear talking. Not yours.

Let them keep it.

You go do what you want to do anyway.

3. Fear of causing harm.

The belief: “But I love my clients, and if I raise my prices or charge what I’m worth – it could hurt some of them. How could I do that to them?”

The reality: First – you’re not doing anything to anyone. We all have a choice about how and where we invest what we spend. Change that story ASAP.

But more importantly, when you charge what you’re worth, and get PAID what you’re worth, you are no longer living in lack. And when you have more, you can give more.

That means you have the freedom to make an exception when you really want to, and serve those you really want to serve – even if it’s at a steep discount or special arrangement.

Just make sure that it is a true exception – not the norm.

4. Fear of betrayal.

The belief: “But I didn’t go into this to make money. I went into this to help people. And if I start thinking about the money too much I feel like I’m betraying my life’s purpose.”

The reality: Being paid well doesn’t mean you stop caring about the work. It means that the work you do is being treated with respect – by you AND your clients.

And that is a beautiful thing.

I once spoke with a therapist who felt so guilty about charging for her services that she could barely stand to touch the checks clients brought in. (And I totally got that.)

But she also told me how good it felt to take those checks to the bank, because she felt cared for and respected for her work.

Uh huh.

5. Fear of clarity.

The belief: “I can’t decide what to do: keep going the way I’m going now or make real changes in what I charge and how I get paid. I just need to think about it a little more. Maybe 6 months or a year from now I’ll be ready.”

The reality: As long as you can avoid making a decision about your pricing, and standing in your power, you won’t have to find out what you can truly do. And you won’t have to face what you are truly capable of.

And yet.

Don’t you challenge your clients to believe in themselves? To take risks and stand up for what they want? To step fully into creating the life they want for themselves?

Then when you do this yourself, you are modeling that for them. And that, to me, is the very definition of being in alignment with your values.

Do any of these resonate for you? If so, what is one action step you could take to begin moving through that old belief and into a new reality?

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