Episode 1. Why I've Created This Podcast (and Why This Topic Matters So Much)


Welcome to the Ideal Practice Podcast!

I'm SO excited to begin this journey with you.  This project has been a long time in the making, and I'm tickled pink to finally be able to share it with you.  Thank you for being here!

In today's episode you'll hear...

- More about why I got over myself, and decided it was finally time to DO this.
- What we're really all about here (and the guy in the helicopter who had  such a big influence on my business outlook early in my career)
- What you can expect in the coming weeks as we move through this together (and I get into the groove, lol).
- How to get the most out of what you hear (this could be a little tricky sometimes!)

And finally, I have a simple exercise for you that I think you'll find illuminating. :)

And while you're here - can I ask a favor?

Please leave me a 5 star review wherever you're listening to this episode. 
From everything I've read, your reviews make all the difference in the world with how Apple treats this effort. And the more of your feedback I can get - quickly - the better we'll be able to gain some traction and make this real. 

(And if you don't feel like you can leave 5 stars, then would you mind shooting me a message and letting me know how we can improve? That would be awesome!)

Thank you!!! 




Click on the link below to be the FIRST to be notified the next time we open up the doors to this fun, practical and life-changing program. Happening periodically throughout the yeare, you’ll be invited first to this fun course on how to shift your mindset when it comes to wealth and abundance in your private practice.



COACHING: Got a problem in your practice that you’re trying to solve? Have an idea you want to try but don't know where to start? A Quick Start Consult gives you access to high quality coaching without the expense of a full blown coaching commitment. I'm serious about your success - so we don't just talk about your business. We work on it - together. Click here for details.



FREE RESOURCE: Are you cramming client hours into a packed day? Working hard but feel like you're still not making any money? With decades of experience, I’ve found a LOT of ways to boost your bottom line, and I’ve pulled some of my favorites together into a free guide for you. Download this today, check out what’s inside, then tell me which one you’ll try first. :)

Click on the link below to get your copy of:
31 Practical Ways to Increase Cash Flow In Your Private Practice



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