What It Means to Think Like a CEO (And Not an Employee!)

Hey there.

How’s it going where you are?

Anne and I just got back from a much needed vacation in our new little teardrop camper, Aggie M@e.

Over the course of a few weeks, we got better and better at setting up and breaking down camp, learning how to manage battery life when we were off the grid, and coping with crazy heat.

But now that I’ve had a nice break, I’m more than ready to get back to work, and I’m excited about bringing you this week’s message.

Here, each week, you’ll find one video, one quote, one idea, and one thing you might want to try. My deepest desire is to teach, to inspire, and to encourage you as you launch, build and grow your private practice or other healing business.

Here’s your 11:11 for today.


Are you ready to embrace your responsibility as the CEO of your business?

If so, this might be one of the most important videos you’ve seen from me yet. But before you watch it, take a moment to think about how you would have answered a question one of my VIP clients asked at our last coaching retreat:

“How do you make the shift from having an employee mindset, to having a CEO mindset?” 

That’s what we’re talking about, as I share this and a new insight, from MY business coach’s first book.


Your business is the playing field for your soul’s expansion.
ā€•Christine Kane


When we step into the role of business owner, a lot of things have to change about the way we think.

We no longer get to focus just on taking care of our clients, or doing our healing work.

We no longer have the luxury of letting someone else worry about all those boring nitpick-y things like marketing, sales, money management, or customer service.

Suddenly, we are the one in charge, with all the freedom — and responsibility — that entails.

In my group counseling practice, for example, we had a cleaning service that helped us keep our super busy office in good shape from week to week, but when the toilet clogged or a kid made a mess in the bathroom, who do you think had to clean that up?

Yep. The joys of practice ownership are many, y’all. ;)

Messy bathrooms aside, there are plenty of challenges with business ownership. I’ve seen some who’ve left their jobs and started a practice, only to discover that they weren’t ready for that level of response-ability (that is, growth).

And I’ve seen others who thrive in it - even when the learning curve is steep.

How about you?


Spend some time with your journal this week thinking about your last J.O.B. (or current one if you’re still there.)

What responsibilities did you have to worry about there as an employee? And what did someone ELSE have to worry about, that you didn’t?

Where in your business now are you the one who has to do that worrying? Where are you stepping fully into the role of CEO? And where do you need to step up a little more?

I’d love to hear about any aha’s you have as you think this through. It can be powerful.

Are you owning your responsibility as the CEO of your own show?

Sending lots of love,

P.S. Head over to the Ideal Practice Community and join new friends as we discuss these ideas and more. I’d love to see you there.


"Wendy is the amazing ally and resource I needed to help my business thrive. Without her passion, drive, knowledge and support, I would not be as successful as I am today."

ā€• Melissa Hargrave, LMFT-S, LPC-S


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