The Biggest Myth About Private Practice

Hey, there!
Entrepreneurs are a creative bunch. By nature, we are constantly trying on new ideas, exploring new platforms, playing with new ways to serve and new ways to satisfy our bigger visions. Can’t you relate? Don’t you find yourself wanting to experiment in your practice, like, all the time?  
Well today, I’m going back to an idea that I played with last year, the 11:11 format for my weekly note to you. I liked the structure. And you seemed to like it too. :)
Here, you’ll find one video, one quote, one idea, and one thing you might want to try. My intention is to teach, to inspire, and to encourage as you launch, build and grow your private practice or other healing business. (How am I doing?🤔)

Here’s your 11:11 for today.


There is a HUGE MYTH out there about what it takes to have a successful private practice. I see people believing it, and acting on it, over and over — even subconsciously.

With decades of experience as a practice owner, and as a business coach, I know how wrong this is. Sharing the truth today.


"Charge what you’re worth. Money is an energy that comes and goes, ebbs and flows. When you sell a product or service in exchange for money, the person who’s paying you is not suddenly thrown into lack. Whelp, that money’s gone for good! They have the opportunity to benefit from what you’ve offered, and because you’re awesome and gave them something of great value, their investment raises their frequency, which will open them up to receive things of high frequency, including more money. Whatever you offer - music, hilarity, clothes, medical skills, food, managerial services, tax preparation, scented candles - all of it counts. Charge what you and your products are worth. Don't be cheap with others or yourself. Don’t be a weirdo about it. Get in the flow."  
(Jen Sincero, You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth, p. 222.)


Someone asked me the other day if I thought that my readers, YouTube subscribers, or members of the Ideal Practice Community thought that they had any issues with money mindset. It was a valid question, considering the fact that I tend to come back to that subject so often. :) After all, if I’m talking about a problem you don’t actually think you have, then I may be missing the boat entirely, right? And yet, as I said in this week’s video, I see soooo many social workers, therapists and healers who are just killing themselves in their practice doing what they think they HAVE to do to be successful. Some of that is about strategy, sure…. but most of it is about mindset, limiting beliefs, and our fear that if we don’t sacrifice we won’t succeed. What do you think? Am I wrong about this? 


What is one thing you could do in your practice this week that would feel really really good for you personally? Would it be a change in your schedule? A change in the referrals you accept? A change in your pricing? Choose one small tweak that would make you happy. Just because. Try it. See what happens. Could be awesome, right???? 

With lots of love, 


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