One Magic Word That Will Change Your Life

I found myself in the midst of an unexpected transition, an uncomfortable in-between time, when I knew what had been but had no idea what was to be.

Ever felt that way?

I’d just finished a term in public office where I poured everything I had into serving my community. I lived and breathed that work for four unbelievably intense years. And I loved it.

But when that ended, I was lost. It was as if I’d been pushing up a long, steep hill, eyes to the ground, carrying a weight that was worthy but so heavy… And suddenly the hill leveled out, the weight disappeared, and I looked up for the first time in days, not quite sure where I was.

I was disoriented, at loose ends, and had no idea what to do next.

And with a successful business, that I’d run for years, on life support, dying from neglect.

So I threw myself into rebuilding, and focused on doing what I knew how to do to breathe life back into it. I set up a super-simple business plan with a year’s worth of goals – then met them all within two months.

I was still restless.

So I began following life and business coaches across the country. I started thinking about the power of mindset, about setting intentions, about creating the life – and business – I wanted to create. I knew there was a larger way to serve the world, if I could only figure out what that would look like.

Then, not knowing what else to do…

…I just began to say Yes.

YES to any opportunity, guidance or whim the Universe tossed my way.

YES to a style of eyeglasses I would never have chosen, just because the sweet guy behind the counter suggested it.

YES to the exact car that I wanted when it popped up on my computer on a rainy Saturday afternoon. I brought it home on Monday.

YES to last minute travel, when a dear friend invited me to a conference for women entrepreneurs. With only two day’s warning, I rearranged everything in my life to make it to an intense 3 day conference.

YES to inspiration that struck like a lightening bolt while there, an almost physical shock of energy that told me where I was to go next in my business and my life.

It hasn’t stopped since.

I continue to say YES to opportunities that scare me to death and challenge me to grow in ways I can not predict. It is an active and conscious choice, and it has changed my life.

I am clearer about who I am and who I serve. I am clearer about how I make a difference in the world, and what makes me crazy happy.

By choosing to say yes – even when it was scary or inconvenient or a little nuts, I’ve embarked on a journey of becoming that has been better than anything I could have ever imagined.

Today, I see that same experience happening for my clients.

Just in their decision to work with me, they’re saying yes to themselves in a powerful way, and their journey unfolds as well.

Breakthroughs happen. Incomes rise. Confidence builds.

And the Gifts keep coming.

My own Courage to Confidence work continues to unfold, as I move back and forth between the same power and fear, confidence and doubt that we all have.

But I have learned to trust that anything is possible if I am clear about what I want. I have learned to trust that the Universe is there, ready, waiting to deliver, if I can just…

say Yes.

So here’s my point.

It’s true that many of us need to set better boundaries in our lives, saying no to people and energies that are not healthy for us.

But sometimes, sometimes, the challenge is not about pushing something away, but about welcoming it into your life.

Sometimes, when opportunities and nudges — from something greater than you — are at work, amazing, AMAZING things will happen…

…if you just say…

YES. :)

Photo Credit: Nick Photography on Flickr



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