How To Find Your Entrepreneurial Sweet Spot

That’s how it feels when you know you’ve made it; when you’ve finally crafted a life, and a business, that actually works.

And serves you in all the best ways.

But unfortunately, for too many entrepreneurs, running their business is nothing more than another burden. 

     I have so much to do, I don’t even know where to start.

     This isn’t really the kind of work I like, but heck, at least I’m making some money.

     Vacation? Who has time for a vacation?

As Dave Ramsey often says, they swing from “Thank God it’s Friday!” to “Oh God, it’s Monday…”.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way?

What if your business actually brought you joy?

Yeah. I know. It’s been so long you can’t even remember what that feels like.

Yet I feel exactly that almost every day, because as my clients eventually discover, it really is possible to feel good about your business, and your life.

Here’s how.

1. Design your time.

When you’re the CEO of your own show, it’s easy to work 24/7, because your business is never really far from your mind.

And yet, you have the freedom to set up your days to suit yourself.

Love your mornings?

Follow the example of one of my clients who refused to take calls or go to her office before 11 a.m. Her mornings were for working out, masterminding, and personal time. Her business was super time intensive, and required many late nights and long hours – but her mornings were sacred.

Need an energy break?

One of my colleagues designed her practice so that she was off on Wednesdays. That mid-week break made the days feel easier and the weeks shorter.

Want to travel?

Build time for travel into your yearly plans, and set up the systems that allow you to leave without worry.

2. Make good money.

Remember: this isn’t volunteer work.

I know you’re good at what you do. I know that your ideal clients are hungry for what you offer and eager to pay for the good that you bring. I know that you are a bright, creative Being with something really special to offer the world.

I also know that you are meant to experience and serve from a place of financial well being.

If you’re not being paid, ofteneasily and well, for what you do, something’s wrong.   Make it your goal to figure out what.

And if you need help to do so, get it. 

3. Change the world.

This is what sets my clients apart.

I know you’re not in this for the money – though there’s nothing wrong with that. And I know you’re not even in it for the freedom it gives you.

You’re in this to make a difference.

So do that.

Set things up to serve the people you want to serve, and impact the world in the way you know works. Bring your very best to the table, and explore powerful, creative ways to make the world a better place.

But do it on your terms.

That’s where the magic is.

Just today, one of my clients said that one of the best things she’s learning in our work together, is that how she runs her business has to feel right – to her.

Your business needs to feel right, to you, too.

I spend most of my time running two different businesses. I still have an active psychotherapy practice, but I also have a coaching practice training passionate, creative entrepreneurs. (Like you!)

And it’s taken some time to learn to manage the energy of those two very different roles.

So recently, I rearranged my week to allow me to be more present for each of those businesses. Just a few tweaks gave me a greater sense of freedom, more clarity, and more energy to serve all of my clients, in both places.

THAT’S how you find your entrepreneurial sweet spot. 

Time + income + impact.

But if you’re not there yet, don’t beat yourself up.

Just ask yourself the following 3 questions.

1. How could I structure my time, in and out of the office, in a way that would feel better?

2. Am I making the income that I want? If not, what can I do to increase my numbers?

3. Am I doing work that I love, in the way I know is best, or settling for something less?

When you get the answer to each of those just right (and it will change sometimes!), you’ll have your entrepreneurial sweet spot, too.

Photo Credit: Mac Qin on Flickr


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