Moving Forward: Taking Imperfect Actions at Imperfect Times

How are you doing? Hanging in there? I hope so.

It’s occurred to me that you may be living life at a slower pace, and with that, your creative juices may be flowing.

So each day this month, I’m offering you 4 gifts: 1 image, 1 quote, 1 idea, and 1 action you might want to try.

Here is your 11:11 for today.



Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right’.
Start where you stand,
and work with whatever tools you may have
at your command, and
better tools will be found as you go along.
― Napoleon Hill (1883 – 1970), Author of “Think and Grow Rich”


With the world in crisis, there are 1000 reasons right now why it might be best to wait before taking action on your next big move, your big idea, that bold vision you want to build.

It might be better to wait until…

...the economy is better and people are buying things again.
…unemployment starts to go back down and folks feel safer about spending.
…the kids finally get to go back to school, or at least to a friend’s house. Argh.
…your spouse goes back to work and you have some quiet time to work.
…you can at least meet people in person and have a ‘real’ conversation.
…you can get a faster internet connection and the tech works better.
…you feel like it.

And so on.

But, as Napoleon Hill said, the time never is really ‘just right’, to take action on your big ideas. In fact, I would say, more often than not, the time is awful for whatever it is that you really want to do.

And yet…

It is in taking imperfect action, at imperfect times, that we move forward toward our dreams.

What big idea do you have that has been waiting for you to take it seriously? Where in your life or work are you being called to step into a bigger vision, for your self, for your family, for your clients, or for the world?

And what are you waiting for?


Take 20 minutes today, with a notebook in hand, away from the distraction of devices and people. Ask yourself:

What is it that I am being called to do next in my business?
What is it about that, that’s a little scary or uncomfortable? What feels daunting?
Where, how or from whom could I get some help with that one thing?
And what is one baby step I could take, today, towards that idea?

If you’d like some extra accountability, send your answers to me.
I love these kinds of conversations.

And be well,

P.S. I believe in you.


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