Episode 79. Making the Most of the Final Stretch: A Fresh Take on Year End Planning

Ready to kick back and coast through the end of the year?

Yikes. Don't do that....

Instead, ditch that conventional year-end thinking and make the most of this vibrant time of year.  We're not wrapping things up just yet; there are plenty of opportunities still on the horizon, so let's seize them!

In this episode, I’ll share 3 powerful steps to take to keep the wins rolling in. 

  • The one step you really should take FIRST in order to keep your vibrations high and ride the energy all the way to the end of the year. 
  • The one goal you should probably drop - and with glee. :) 
  • What to do with the time that’s left… 

As you’ll hear in the episode, I’ve had some of my biggest wins at the end of the year. Don’t make the mistake you may see other practice owners make. Don’t underestimate the power of your practice in these last 2 months.

Here’s to your over-the-top breakthrough to success...🥂

P.S. Shoot me a DM on Facebook and tell me what you did with your homework in this episode!



Listen to the episode for 3 very specific steps I encourage you to take as part of your end of the year reflection, renewal and recommitment! You’re not done yet! ;)



How to Keep It Steady in Your Private Practice When Life Gets Crazy



As a coach of mine used to say, running a business is a full contact sport. There are SO many different parts of it to keep up with, manage, think about, and create - at every step of the way. How do you know what to work on first or where to focus your energy? How do you tell where your weaknesses are and where you're solid?

Well I’ve got you covered! The IP360 Scorecard, based on the 7 Pillars of an Ideal Practice, is designed to give you a practical, actionable, big-picture review of your practice as it stands. And you can complete it in less than 10 minutes.

Click on the link below to get your free copy today!

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Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
Host, Ideal Practice
Private Practice Coach and Mentor

[email protected]


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