10 Tips (And a Bonus) for Quick Starter Self Care

An Installment in Our Series on Building a (Courageous Woman’s) Life

So how’s the Self Care going?

Are you at least THINKING a little more about taking care of the Life you already have? Are you at least beginning to NOTICE all the ways that you give parts of your Self away?

I hope so.

Well, I promised you last time around that I’d come back with a list of ideas for how you can practice this crazy, radical, self-nurturing, family-feeding, relationship-sustaining, career-enhancing, sanity-serving idea of simply caring for your Self.

It’s not really that crazy though. Or that radical.

Actually, if you DON’T do this you’ll feel pretty crazy.

And probably drive other people crazy too. :)

But if you do even a few of these every so often, I think you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel, and how much easier it is to get through even the craziest days in your life.

So here you go.

Choose 2 or 3. Try them for at least a week. Preferably more.

What have you got to lose? Nothing.

What have you got to gain? Strength. SerenitySelf.

So let’s get started, with Life Building 101. :)

10 Tips (And a Bonus) for Quick Starter SELF Care.

1. Take a short walk – solo – at least 3 days a week. It can be a power push up the hills of your neighborhood, or a leisurely stroll with a morning cup of coffee or an evening glass of tea. Doesn’t matter if it’s 10 minutes or 10 miles. Just go.

2. Spend 30 minutes reading something light, soothing or delicious just before bed.

3. Try “morning pages”, 3 pages of journaling, writing about whatever pops in to your head, no judgement, first thing in the morning before everyone gets up. Don’t go back and read it. Clear your head before you start the day. Just because.

4. Have a meal with your favorite girlfriend, the one who always seems to leave you feeling jazzed and happy, at least once a month.

5. Waste a little water once a week, besides your regular showers. Maybe you could indulge in one really long shower that feels soooo good. Or maybe an hour in the tub – with a candle on the shelf, fave music on your iPod, and a LOCKED door. No interruptions!

6. Take 10 minutes in the middle of the most stressful part of your work day. Go outside, find a shady spot where you can sit or lean and just BREATHE fresh, non-air conditioned air. Just for a few minutes. DON’T check your phone. Listen to what’s going on around you. Watch the world around you. Be. Still.

7. Close your office door (if you have one) and take 10 minutes to either close your eyes, kick off your shoes and do some gentle stretching, or just gaze out the window. Rest your mind for a moment. If you don’t have an office, use your break to sneak out to your car for a minute or other private place. (NOTE: I didn’t say check your Facebook page. That’s not Self care, friends. Really. Your mind never stops when you’re gazing at a screen.)

8. Get a real-live honest-to-goodness massage. Then get another one. Make it a date with yourself. Once a week. Once a month. Whatever works with your budget. (Or get a manicure and pedicure – that works well too, in a slightly-less-so kind of way.)

9. Plan a night out with women friends once a month. Yes, a Grown Up Girls’ Night Out. No, it won’t hurt your family. Yes, he can get the kids to bed by himself (and if not, he needs the practice). I’m pretty sure you’ll return the favor. And then some. :)

10. Take a few hours to indulge in your kind of window shopping. You know that place you love to go, the one that gets groans from your family anytime you mention it? Go there. There was a time when a 2 hour stroll all by myself through an antique mall was the height of self indulgence. No one rushing me. No one asking why in the world anyone would want all that old “junk” anyway. What would meet that need for you? :)

And a BONUS… (This is one of the BEST.)

11. At least once a year, take a personal retreat. Leave home for at LEAST a weekend (or better – a week!) and travel in some way that is restorative to you. This could range from spending a silent weekend at a monastery (yes, that’s possible) to going on a trip with girlfriends. The point is to get away, and do what YOU love to do. No obligations. No worries. No demands. Just time. And space. For you. 

For more on this idea, check out the book by my friend and colleague, Melanie McGhee: “An Illumined Life: A Personal Yearly Retreat and Reflection Guide” on Amazon.

The point here, friends, is that you must, MUST take care of your Self, or you just won’t last.

And it’s easier than you think.

Now – how about you?

What are some of YOUR favorite quick and easy ways to practice Self care?


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Photo Credits: by Agustin Ruiz on Flickr


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