10 (More!) Ways to Finish the Year Strong

It’s getting scary out there.

And no, I don’t mean what you’re hearing on the news.

I mean all the ghosts, Power Rangers, Wonder Women, vampires and princesses who may stop by your house one night this week looking for a treat.

It’s already Halloween here in the U.S., which means that we have only two months left to finish this year strong. 

So, step away from the candy dish. Get out your planner and get clear. The time will go quickly and there are things you need to do. :)

Here are some things to take care of before year’s end:  

For Your Business.

1. Update your holiday card list.  It doesn’t matter whether you send them through snail mail or online.  Make a list.  Check it twice.

2. Set your hours.  Will you increase or decrease your hours during the holiday season?  Are there days you will be closed?  Have you let your clients know?  Make sure you post holiday hours or time off very clearly – online, on the door, on your scheduling system.

3. Announce coming changes.  Are you making any policy or pricing changes in January?  Recently, I recommended that you think about raising your prices if it’s been a while. But be sure to let your clients know that change is coming. 

Same thing for policy changes, whether it’s your billing, insurance collections or missed appointment policies.  Your clients will support you if they have time to adjust.

4. Collect funds due. Have you collected on all accounts?  If someone owes you money, it’s time to remind them.  When the calendar moves into next year, it’s easy to forget what happened this year.  Send reminders, bills, invoices, or an email.  Tell your clients you need to have those accounts taken care of before the end of the year. Be strong on this, y’all.

5. Pay your bills. Okay – so this may be obvious. But while you’re getting your accounts in order, clean up those you owe, too. 

For Yourself.

When the holiday craziness hits, self-care drops way down on the to-do list.  But truth is, if you’re not taking care of yourself, you’re not going to last.  Running a business takes everything you’ve got. 

So think about the big five categories and what kind of support you know you need.

1. Plan your money. Got a budget for holiday spending? Ready for client gifts, holiday parties, or bonuses for your team? What extra expenses are coming that you know you have to prepare for. If you’re taking time off, how’s the cash flow? Are you ready?

2. Honor your body. You don’t have time to get sick. :) How will you handle the physical demands of the next couple of months?  Got your work outs scheduled?  A massage?  Are there certain end-of-the-year medical appointments you need to make so your insurance covers it?

3. Ease your mind. Your brain is going to holding a LOT of info over these next two months.  Use your tools to capture what you need, so you don’t have to hold it in your head – whether that’s a brain dump book (something I sometimes recommend), the reminders app on your phone, or a tool like Trello or Evernote.  Pick one system and use it. 

Meditate daily. Even 15 minutes of centering time will make a difference. Trust me on this.

Ease off of social media.  Look, I like social media and use it in my business. But a little goes a long way – and it’s a trap you don’t have the time or energy for. Be careful.

4. Protect your heart. Your emotional resources are pulled and tugged like no other time over the next couple of months.  Between Hallmark commercials and kids underfoot, it can be incredibly demanding.  AND our clients often need more at this time of the year. 

How can you support your own emotional health during this time?  Energy work?  Hiring a cleaning service?  Sharing carpooling duties with other moms?  Get clear on what you need – and get some help.

5. Deepen your spirit. If a spiritual or religious practice is part of this time for you, then I encourage you to honor that as well. Running a business takes heart and soul as well as body and brain.

It’s been said that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. And you will feel all too human during these next crazy-busy months!  :) Take the time to tap in to whatever spiritual resources and practices that work best for you – even now.

Especially now.

So much of what I want you to learn is how to be on purpose in your business, and in your life. Finishing the year strong a big part of that.

Give yourself the gift of clarity, preparation and intention. And make good use of these last two months.

Because next year? Well – that’s just around the corner, and big things are coming your way. This is part of your prep work. :)




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