Here you'll find suggestions on everything from freelancing platforms to finding your first virtual assistant to hiring a bookkeeper.


Trust Your Numbers
Located in Hawaii but has a national clientele. Susan Penner of Trust Your Numbers is my bookkeeper and provides incredible service. Tailors her work to small businesses, while also helping you monitor the money mindset issues that can pop up for us all.

Virtual Assistance

Your Business Ally
Queenie Verhoeven is a top notch Online Business Manager located in the Netherlands, and one of my all time faves.

I’ve personally hired through them with great success.

Out of country. Used by Forbes Coaches Council.

Freelance Platforms

General freelance site. Helpful for other support services.

Online marketplace offering services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job. When you need something on the cheap and on the fly.

A platform where professionals go to connect, collaborate, and get work done. 


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