"Don’t let things that are beyond your control get to you either.
Focus on what you can do,
not on what you can’t."

Wendy Pitts Reeves

You can send this every week for feedback (and you’ll get maximum support by doing so) but it is required at least 24 hours before a coaching call.

You will get the most out of your time during our coaching session by preparing for it. Don’t do this when you’re scattered and in a hurry.  Honor your work by allowing yourself the time and attention this deserves, as this is designed to help you as much as it is to inform me.

Zoom meeting linkhttps://zoom.us/j/6227518590
Meeting ID: #622 751 8590
Call in numbers:  +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) or +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

Click SUBMIT to send your answers directly to me (and you'll get an email copy as well.)

Click the DOWNLOAD button below if you wish to use a fillable PDF worksheet, or to print and handwrite your answers. If you take this route, don't forget to email your completed worksheet to [email protected]. Thank you!